
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Law of Attraction: What you need to feed your mind with

Not many people know and understand the law of attraction. The universe never has a favorite and it works according to your subconscious thoughts.

Sometimes universe gives us a nudge as a signal, yet most of us ignore it. At the end of the day, we are the ones who complain and blame life.

Law of attraction can be said as a metaphysical form of negative and positive things which eventually brings physical forms of negative and positive results. Hence, it is important that you learn how to attract happiness through positive habits.

The universe offers what you believe. If you decide to be happy from the moment you wake up in the morning, then your whole day will be enjoyable. What you have is highly reflected by what you think. Instead of saying "I need money", you should go with, "I have enough".

Positive thoughts draw the universe to obey what you want and even give you more in return. Universe rewards our efforts. Law of attraction starts from within. If you believe that your salary is never enough, then you will be far from prosperity because you actually tell the universe to make you lack of money. On the other hand, people who have a belief that their salary is enough for them to live well, they're attracting prosperity to come.

Thus, it isn't about the amount but fairly about what they believe. The law of attraction requires you to be comfortable with your situation. It is the way to keep something in your life. Treat yourself well, and the world treats you the same way. Saying "When I get successful, I'll be happy" is a dangerous order to the universe. It means you're not getting closer to success. Not even an inch.

If you want to have successful life, you have to begin it right now and you have to feel it in every moment. You can visualize your dreams and what you want on a board. Make drawings or paste the things you are eager to own at this moment and in the future. Look to those things everyday and imagine you have them right now.

Law of attraction works as you set. It believes that we create our own reality. Concentrating on what you have will eventually give you more. For instance, feeling grateful everyday attracts good things to come your way. This natural approach can be applied in any situation and circumstance to manifest what you want badly.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How to Stay Calm When Working with Difficult Colleagues

Working environment can be a playground that may bring fun and disaster at the same time. Dealing with office problems can be difficult especially when it involves human beings who are blessed with different kinds of characters. Hence, if it’s not about the work, it must be about the coworkers, right?

It is a tough thing to be calm when you work with difficult colleagues but here are the lights that will guide you to arrive calmly at the end of the tunnel! Realize that you are living on Earth, not heaven. Let’s admit, difficult people do exist. Even if it is not in a form of ‘colleague’, it will always appear in other forms such as ‘friend’ or ‘cousin’.

So, instead of complaining about how lame your coworkers are, you should focus on the fact that no matter how nice you are, difficult people are always there. In business, competition is something you can’t run away from. The promotion, the target, and other elements of work require you to become a tough person to survive.

Remember, these mean colleagues are there to test you. By admitting that difficult coworkers exist, you know where you stand and you should get on with what you do without paying too much attention to them. Use them as your source of motivation Difficult colleagues can be those who turn down your ideas or say something negative about you.

However, you need these people to make you a better person. Why not taking their comment as a second opinion? Your colleague must be an expert at something and his critic might just be the answer to help you out.

Instead of swallowing their negative opinion wholly, digest it slowly and make sure the ‘nutritious’ comment can bring out the best in you. Keep calm and ask, “What’s wrong with me?” Before you stand up and confront the annoying colleague of yours, make sure you have thought about it with your cool mind. Talking with difficult people is already a problem and using a higher tone to talk to them will only make it double.

At the moment where you can’t think of anything else but to be mad, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What’s wrong with me?”, “Why do I even care?”, “I am not going to lose my job because of you!” Consider this as your special skill Dealing with whiners and bullies at work should be done in private because these kinds of people will not back down in front of audience.

They tend to be synical due to their low personality dimension. This is why they easily blame others without looking at themselves. However, you have to do it professionally and calmly. The problem is not you, it’s them So far, you think you are a nice person but you have no idea how you can act crazy because of that one particular coworker.

Often times, you might think that you are the one to blame and have this guilt on your shoulder you can’t put down. Never let yourself get thrown off the balance because of another person. Being calm requires regular practice especially in this hectic phase of working life. Keep in mind that silence is not always golden. Calm is.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Healthy and Happy

Healthy lifestyles have a great impact on your happiness. If you are a person who cares about healthy lifestyles, you should be grateful because you are not only healthy but also happy. Actually, health and happiness are closely related. If you are not healthy, your happiness will be decreased.

Of course, you can still be grateful and enjoy life, but who does not want to enjoy life with a healthy body? If you are happy, you are influencing your body to be healthy. The system in your body is accepting your positive signal and makes you more immune to sickness. Healthy lifestyles and happiness should be a part of people's lives.

Let us start talking about sleeping habits. You should sleep about seven to eight hours a day. If you do not sleep enough, some negative effects are going to take place. Lacking of sleep make people gradually lose concentration, memory, vocabulary and creativity. Those are important in people's lives.. Imagine if you do not have enough concentration when you are doing accounting at work, you will do mistakes.

You need creativity to do business.
You definitely do not want to lose your memory when you are still young. To have a quality sleep, here are some tips that you can do. Try not to have dinner after seven o'clock. Your digestive system should also get some rest when you are sleeping so do not make it works hard. When you are sleeping and you still have food to digest, your intestine will be busy and disturb your sleeping process.

Try to clear you mind from things that bother you.
Do not have an argument before your sleeping time. Read books that inspire you and calm you. If you love to write, jot down your burdens in a journal. It will help you ease your troubled mind. Turn off the lamp. Darkness gives your eyes more relaxation because the melatonin hormone is delivered at night when the dark comes. Close your eyes and relax until you go to sleep.

Another example is exercise. Doing regular exercise is a healthy lifestyle. Doing exercise enables your whole body to work properly because the blood circulates well through the circulation system. The melatonin hormone that creates a good feeling will be delivered. Hair, skin and the whole appearance improves. Everyone wants to feel good and look good. As age increases, body performance decreases. That is undeniable.

Even though it cannot be avoided, exercising is still a good solution to maintain body performance from decreasing too soon. If you are healthy, your life can be effective. You can work and earn money, you can help others, and enjoy life, go to places that you would like to visit. If you are sick, you cannot work, cannot help others more effectively, and cannot go to places because you have to lie down for rest.

Decide to get a healthy lifestyle now before it is too late.

Monday, August 25, 2014

5 Habits of a very happy people

It is no surprise that happiness can be highly formed and created by your positive habits. If you find someone who seems so happy and enjoy life, perhaps he has one of these rituals.

Never complain

Often we hear people wail about how miserable their lives; mounting debts, damaged car, no network coverage and many other situations to complain. Complaining doesn’t get you out from your situation, it gives you worse. Happy person complains less. This kind of individual is comfortable with what life has given. The key to never complain is to accept whatever condition you are going through right now. Acceptance leads you to release your problem by opening the solution doors. Being miserable is the only thing that happy people refuse to accept.
Happy people do know about pain but they overcome it without having to be in a mess.

Always think positive
Positive thoughts attract the universe to ‘obey’ your mind. Our subconscious is a contributing factor to our behavior. Hence, happy people tend to say, “We’ll find another way”, instead of, “We’re so dead!”. Not only it gives relief to our mind, but also brings chances to get the best out of a problem. Positive thinking is the thoughts of possibilities.
If you focus on the possibilities, happy things happen.

Forgive others
Frankly said, we have no control of what’s life meant to be. If you can’t blame the weather, then I suppose you can forgive people. Happy persons know how it feels to forgive. Forgiving means refusing yourself to be miserable. When we’re in our resentful moment, no other person will suffer accept our own heart and others will still do what they do.
Judging them guilty only means keeping the pain inside. It doesn’t make any difference. In fact, it ruins your life more. Happy people have the habit to forgive. They understand exactly that the true beauty of living in this world is to love each other and not busy making enemies.

Not attached to anything
What you chase will always run away. It is a hurtful fact, but it’s true. Have you ever known of someone who is desperately aimed on a prize but ended up losing? This is the result when you get attached to things. We often prefer to focus on the grand prize rather than giving our best. If you’re emotionally involved to things such as money or lover, believe me, you won’t get it.
When you’re attached to things, you become the slave of possession. And what you have right now will never be enough because you always crave for more.

Be grateful all the time
Happy people love themselves. The truth is, we have to accept who we are before anyone can accept us for who we are. Nobody is perfect. So, instead of blaming the world for your shortcomings, you can start to improve yourself.

Happy people know when to enjoy and when to do what they should do. They realize that life has to be balance and it is their habit to let life flows on its course that eventually creates energy to attract happiness.

Be thankful for your life, judge people less and you’ll find your way to happiness.