
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Grass is Greener on The Other Side (Or, Not)

For the past weeks, I’ve been getting messages from my friends. And I’m not sure why they’re talking about the same topic (FYI, they don’t know each other and they’ve never met each other before).

They’re asking the same question to me, “How to be happy?”
As much as I want them to read my blog post about happiness, I’ll just be a good friend and answer as wise (or witty) as I could possibly can (which most of the time, I can’t). And it’s definitely not the right time to discuss the Law of attractions with them either.

I think I can almost conclude that most people feel bored with their lives. I believe most of you are tired of working from 8 to 5. Some of you feel that you just want to give up with your relationships. Another group of you might want to pack your bags and leave this planet, start a new life, if you only could. (That would be quite expensive though, because the journey to Mars needs a lot of money, which only means you need to work really F*cking harder for that). So let’s skip the latter option, shall we?

Most of us have different lifestyles, wealth, opportunities, responsibilities, etc; that we tend to get worried of certain things, and worse, we start to compare ourselves to others. The worst thing is when we compare our own life with the ones on Instagram.

Your watch may be digital, but your live is analog
Well, thanks to the technology that now, life becomes easier (or not?).
We have more choices on everything, that we become tired of choosing. We become so scared that our choices are wrong just because there are so many of them to choose from!
How many of you lie awake at night, thinking about what you’re doing, or what you’ll do next, or what you’ve missed out, or what you’ve wasted?

In a world where everything is in a fast pace, we tend to walk with a sense of urgency. We think we are running out of time to do big things and if we don’t catch up, we’ll fail.
This is why, it’s so easy for us to feel burdened. To feel that we haven’t met our own criteria as a successful businessman, as a supervisor, as a happy wife, as a loving husband, as a child, as a parent, and so on.

All of us, are running, towards what we call happiness. But what most of us don’t know; is that
If you can’t feel happy TODAY, you won’t be, tomorrow.
You’re only creating disaster when you focus on things you don’t have. You will NEVER EVER be happy if you think the grass is always greener on the other side. *In case of Instagram, you know they can filter the grass, which makes a greener green?

Once you move into that greener grass, you’ll start to think that the other neighbor's grass is greener, and the neighbor's next to your neighbor's grass.. and this thought will never stop.

Focus on the present, because the present is a gift (oh yeah, you’ve heard this before, you’ll always hear it!)

Quoting from Aunty Acid:
“Caffeine is bad for you
Fat is bad for you
Sugar is bad for you
But don’t Worry
Worrying is bad for you too!”
*If you don’t know who’s Aunty Acid, you can find it here (she’s like.. the funniest, bitchiest, most sarcastic realistic aunt you’ll ever want to meet and do high-five with!)

Whenever you start to worry or you lose yourself, or wonder if you could be happy somewhere else; it’s time to slap yourself back to the present moment and see what’s surrounding your life right now.
You have your parents still alive? Grateful for that!
You can spend money on a cup of coffee? Great!
You have books to read? That means you have sights, right? Thank God!
You have friends to laugh with or lean on? Then you have everything!

Please, enjoy the moment and stop worrying too much, because it’s all we’ve got. Our past has gone and don’t worry about the future – it hasn’t arrived yet.

The grass isn’t greener on the other side. It never is.

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